Custom Placards are Available For Much More Than Just Hazardous Material Transport!
Custom placards are all over travel routes. Personalized placards are regularly seen on railcars, trucks, planes and other vehicles that are used to move, transport, deliver or dispose of hazardous material. Placards for hazardous materials are used for informative and safety measures. These customized placards display important information if an accident should take place, knowing proper handling and cleanup procedures is imperative. These placards, which are made from vinyl decals are used to meet state and federal transporting DOT placard regulations as well as provide information to the general public. Custom decal placards can include anything from material handling codes, safety signage and vehicle identification numbers.
Customized placards however, are not limited just to large commercial vehicles or businesses that deal with hazardous materials. Vinyl decal placards are also very popular for personal use, whether it recreational or professional. Creating a custom placard to show support for you favorite charity, or proudly displaying your child's accomplishment is a great way to customize these vinyl decals for your private use. Incorporating a personalized placard into your business advertising is an affordable and useful way to get notice. Vinyl decal placards can be customized to advertise your business or promotion. Available in any size, color, shape or style, these customized placards are ideal for give aways, mailings and incentives to help promote and grow your business.
Some Custom Placard Rules and Regulations

Below are just a few rules and regulations when it comes to vinyl decal placards. Please consult your local or state regulations before applying your custom placards. While the list below is informative, it may vary from state to state when it comes to personalized placards.
Purpose of Custom Placards: Placards for hazardous materials are required when transporting to contain the product, effectively communicate the risk involved in such transport and to ensure the safety of the drivers and equipment. Because many hazardous materials can injure, kill or adversely effect individual on contact placards for hazardous materials tell drivers how to safely package, load, transport and unload these materials. Many custom radiation signs and safety signs are available in placards as well as traditional signage.
Installation and Location of Placards: Most custom decal placards are located on the exterior of vehicles, and they help identify the hazard class of the material that is being transported. A regulation placarded transport vehicle is required to display a minimum of four identical custom placards. They are to be located on the front, rear and both sides. The placement of these placards must be visible from all four directions. Standard regulations state these placards must be at least 10 3/4" square, turned upright to create a diamond shape. Large bulk and cargo tanks are required to display the identification number, usually produced from vinyl letters, of their contents on placards or orange panels.
Identification Numbers on Placards for Hazardous Materials: This four digit code is required so first responders to any incident can identify hazardous materials. Identifications numbers and codes can be used to identify more than a single chemical. Commonly identification numbers will be followed by letters "NA" or "UN" on the placards. Check out the US DOT Emergency Guidebook for a complete list of chemicals and their assigned identification numbers.
Hazardous Material Transport Requirements: Those transporting hazardous materials, in most cases are required to have a commerical driver license complete with the hazardous materials endorsement. In order to receive the hazardous endorsement you must successfully pass a written test. The hazardous material endorsement test vary depending on the material you are transporting. In addition those requiring the hazardous endorsement must learn and understand all the custom placard rules.
Violations: Always consult your employer if you are unsure if your vehicles is required to display placards for hazardous materials. It is unlawful to operate a vehicle without required customized placards. If stopped you will be found in violation and cited and in most cases not allowed to contine to operate your vehicle. In addition a missing placard may risk the life of yourself and others if there is an accident, since emergency crews will not know the proper procedures for containing the hazardous material.
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- Largest color and design options
- Material has a shiny, satin finish
- Arrives ready to apply
- Available in any size
- Available in any shape
- Available in any color, design or style

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