Custom Radiation Signs and Safety Signs Create Safe Environments for You, Your Business and Everyone in the Community!
Custom radiation signs are necessary to alert your employees, customers and visitors to areas or equipment that required extra caution due to the presence of radioactive material. Warning radiation signs incorporating the appropriate symbols and codes effectively inform trained individuals of the presence of material and the manner in which to handle such material if an accident should happen. Custom radiation signs and safety signs are readily available and can aid you in the prevention of accidents and keep all those on or near your property safe from danger.
Our custom radiation signs and safety signs can help you meet the needs and requirements of OSHA. With a variety of options available for you to customize your safety signs, you can create the perfect custom safety signs. Rounded corners, solid vibrant backgrounds and international symbols are all available to create any type of custom radiation signs or safety signs your business requires to be OSHA compliant.
Some Custom Radiation Sign and Safety Sign Material Options.

Aluminum Custom Radiation Signs are the most common and popular when it comes to selecting safety signs. Aluminum safety signs are available in five thicknesses and can be produced in any shape. Whether it is the standard rectangle, square or diamond warning radiation sign, a circular safety sign or a custom octagon shaped custom radiation sign, all are produced of the highest quality material and rated to last for years indoors or outdoors. For extra style our aluminum safety signs are available in a variety of finishes, but remember to check with your local authorities for guidelines and regulations regarding safety signs and their restrictions. Aluminum safety signs are easily mountable to walls, vehicles and equipment. With proper installation, aluminum safety signs are light weight enough to be displayed overhead as well as mounted flush to walls.
Dibond Custom Radiation Signs are one of the strongest and durable safety sign materials available today. Custom radiation signs made of dibond can provide decades of sign life inside and years outside. Dibond is made of a solid plastic core, sealed between two sheets of factory sealed aluminum and is available in two thicknesses. Dibond safety signs are strong, yet light weight with minimal flexibility and are available in any size, shape or style. For easy mounting of your custom radiation signs, check out our installation kits. Proper installation of your custom radiation signs and safety signs will ensure you are compliant with OSHA standards in addition to creating a safe and accident free work zone.
Dura-Wood Custom Radiation Signs provide you with the traditional look of wood signs, but have be modernized with the application of vinyl. Your custom radiation signs are produced on high quality, durable vinyl and applied to the Dura-Wood material. Dura-Wood is constructed of high quality MDO plywood and is applicable for interior and exterior application. In addition it's rot-safe and can be finished off with trim cap for extra protection and a finished "framed" appearance. Dura-Wood warning radiation signs, safety signs and custom radiation signs are available in traditional shapes (square, rectangle and vertical rectangle) as well as custom shapes. The addition of edge cap is only available for traditional shapes and is not applicable for custom radiation signs or safety sign that are custom shapes. Remember to always check with your local authorities for the guidelines regarding safety sign requirements and restrictions.
Coroplast Custom Radiation Signs are available in any size and style you require for proper safety sign regulations. And since coroplast is an extremely durable sign material, it's ideal for indoor and outdoor applications. Coroplast custom radiation signs are compared to "plastic cardboard" and are popular for labeling doorways, equipment, drums and other safety vehicles. What makes coroplast safety signs beneficial is their light weight construction. While extremely strong, coroplast safety signs are light weight while remaining rigid and in most applications coroplast safety signs can be installed with double sided tape or velcro, making installation quick and effortless.
Alumalite Custom Radiation Signs are strong and rugged. Custom radiation signs made from alumalite are traditionally square or rectangular. Due to the construction of alumalite, custom shapes are not commonly offered in this material. Alumalite allows your safety signs to be light weight but extremely strong. Made from a corrugated plastic core, sealed between two sheets of factory sealed aluminum, alumalite provides a smooth professional finish for your custom radiation signs. For added protection request trim cap with your new alumalite safety signs. Trim cap not only adds extra protection to the edges of your custom radiation signs, it gives a framed professional appearance. Alumalite safety signs are ideal for any location since it's designed to weather all types of climate conditions. Your alumalite custom radiation signs will be easy to mount or display to equipment, walls or vehicles.
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Some Custom Radiation Sign Options
Aluminum Custom Radiation Signs
Dura-Wood Custom Radiation Signs
Coroplast Custom Radiation Signs
Alumalite Custom Radiation Signs
What type of Custom Safety Sign is Right for you?
Use our material selection wizard to help you determine the right sign material for your needs.