Magnetic Signs and Magnetic Car Signs Instantly Transform Your Business!
Magnetic signs can be the most cost effective way to promote a new business, expand a current business or publicize an event. With countless magnetic sign options available, finding the perfect fit for your business will be effortless. These custom magnetic signs are great for new businesses, advertising or just for fun. Our magnetic signs can be customize and are available in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Car magnetics are one of the most popular magnetic signs. Custom car magnets are available in the most traditional shapes, rectangle, square and vertical rectangle. While square and rectangular magnetic signs are still very popular, affordable and strong, they are totally customizable. These traditional shapes have stood the test of time and continue to be an effective way of advertising and promoting your business. In addition you have the option of standard square corners or more custom rounded corners. Rounded corners are a great way to give a softer, more professional and finished look to your custom magnetic sign.
Magnetic Sign Benefits

With a custom car magnet you can quickly and easily transform your company vehicles in a vital advertising fleet. Your automobiles are immediately updated to a mobile billboard, working and selling for you no matter what your destination is. In return, custom magnetics can easily be removed for those times when you choose not to advertise your business or promotion. A new custom magnet sign is strong and durable, made of 30 mil magnetic material and Scratch Guard protected. Car magnetics are Scratch Guard coated, so in return the magnetic material avoids direct contact with the painted surface of your automobile. This feature prevents damage to the paint and finish of your vehicle.
While we can cut custom magnetic signs into any shape you want, we don't recommend using an intricate design because the edges of your magnet can curl. Curling can prevent the adhesion of your custom magnet sign because there isn't enough surface area to hold it down, this is especially important on a fast moving vehicle. If you are interested in a custom magnetic sign, our customer service representatives can help you customize your design to ensure it fits all your needs.
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- Rigid, flexible but lightweight
- Perfectly smooth
- Installs in seconds
- Smooth professional finish
- Great for indoor and outdoor applications
- Can Be sized to fit your vehicle door exactly
- Scratch Guard Brand provide a critical layer of protection
- Available in any size
- Designed to withstand wind speeds of up to 135 mph
- Available in any color, design or style
Recent Customer Testimonials

"Julie Weber was wonderful and extremely helpful. I was very impressed by the speed with which the Art Department had our proof ready for review and how quickly our completed sign was received.We do not have frequent need for signs, but will definitely use your company again if the need arises."
Stacey L. Gardner
Housing Referral Specialist
Naval Weapons Station Earle

Design or Price a Magnetic Sign

Unlimited proofs with every sign. We send a proof of your design to ensure 100% satisfaction before we ship.
Free shipping on all Magnetic Signs for orders within the continental US greater than $50 for ground and greater than $400 for freight
Are Magnetic Signs Right for you?
Use our material selection wizard to help you determine the right sign material for your needs.