Roadside Signs Effectively Offer Information About Your Business or Promotion!
Roadside signs can be seen all across the country and are placed along almost every highway. Roadside signs, also commonly called highways signs, offer information about your business or present wayfinding solutions. Roadside signs can be located in front of a business or simply displayed on a heavily traveled byway near your business. Highway signs not only provide additional exposure for your business or promotion, they create business branding. Roadside signs work hard and non-stop for your business and will be a proven asset to the growth of your business or promotion.
Roadside signs are available with such a large variety of options and selecting the perfect material will be quick and easy. Our custom highways signs are readily available in any size, shape or style that compliments your business or promotion. For added exposure have your roadside signs produced with reflective vinyl. Reflective vinyl allows your highway signs to be visible at night. With the same reflective quality as traffic and highway signs, this options will enable you to advertise long after business hours. Regardless if you are in need of permanent or temporary roadside signs, we can assist you in making sure you select the appropriate highway signs for your needs.
Roadside Signs and The Materials We Produce Them From

ARMOUR-Wood Roadside Signs are the strongest and most rigid signage available. ARMOUR-Wood is produced from a solid wood core that is sandwiched between two sheets of factory sealed aluminum. This solid and durable construction makes it the perfect choice for highways signs and your commonly seen roadside signs. Available in any size and style, these ARMOUR-Wood roadside signs are easily noticed and command attention with their sturdy nature. ARMOUR-Wood highway signs all come standard with trim cap. Trim cap adds extra protection to the edges of your roadside signs and finishes your signs off with a decorative, framed edge. ARMOUR-Wood highways signs are the clear choice when signage is required in high traffic or severe weather locations.
Alumalite Roadside Signs are available in two thicknesses (1/4" and 1/2"), both are extremely strong, rigid and durable. Alumalite is constructed of a plastic corrugated core bonded between two factory painted sheets of aluminum. These alumalite highway signs are lightweight but extremely strong because of its engineered construction. For an added polished look add trim cap to your roadside signs. Trim cap is available in a variety of colors and can add a stylish framed appearance to your highway signs. Trim cap is not only decorative, its functional as well. Trim cap adds extra protection to the edges of your highway signs, making them last even longer in those high traffic areas.
Aluminum Roadside Signs are still one of the industry's most desired and chosen options for exterior signage. Aluminum highway signs are commonly chosen because they are easily customized to fit any business or promotional need. We offer aluminum highways signs in five different thicknesses. Depending on the placement of your roadside signs and the conditions, we can help you select a thickness that meets all your requirements. Aluminum roadside signs can be produced in any shape that accurately represents you and your business. We can craft aluminum highway signs in traditonal shapes (square, rectangle and vertical rectangle) or any custom designed shape. In addition, choose from an assortment of finishes, like brushed silver, mirror and many more, for your highway signs. For easy mounting of your aluminum roadside signs we offer a complete line of installation kits, to make installing your new highways signs quick and easy.
Banner Roadside Signs are one of them most versatile and economical solutions for your business or promotion. Banners make great roadside signs because they are available in any size, style and color. Produced from 14oz. vinyl banner material, these highway signs are lightweight, easy to install and durable for most applications. We offer a variety of finishing options for your banner roadside signs, giving you the choice to decide what installation method works best for you.
Coroplast Roadside Signs are usually used for short-term or temporary roadside advertising. Coroplast is also known as "plastic cardboard" and is a perfect choice when your roadside signs are for a short-term marketing endeavor. Coroplast highway signs are semi-rigid and resistant to most weather conditions. Coroplast roadside signs can be produced in any size, style and some custom shapes, making it very easy to customize for your business or event. For a professional and stable mounting we suggest one of our frames or stakes for your coroplast roadside signs.
Dibond Roadside Signs have a high tolerance for weather extremes and heavy precipitation, making them extremely durable for exterior applications. Dura-Wood is produced with a solid plastic core surrounded by two sheets of aluminum. The core provides strength while the aluminum provides excellent rigidity. Dibond roadside signs are available in any shape, making them easy to customize for your specific business or promotional needs. In addition, dibond highway signs can be crafted in a variety of finishes including brushed gold, silver and many more. Dibond roadside signs are easily mounted and requires almost no maintenance.
Dura-Wood Roadside Signs provide you with the tradition of wood signs, and the modern durability of vinyl. Dura-Wood roadside signs are produced from quality MDO, primed and sealed, then prepared for the application of your custom vinyl sign. Dura-Wood highway signs are crafted from our 1/2" material and are highly rigid, while remaining lightweight for easy installation and mounting. For additional style add trim cap to your Dura-Wood roadside signs. Trim cap gives your highway signs a framed, polished appearance, while adding additional protection to the edges. We offer trim cap in a variety of colors, allowing you to choose one that accents and compliments your highway signs.
HDU Roadside Signs add dimension and depth to your business or promotional message. HDU highway signs are crafted from High Density Urethane and give text, images or logos a raised "carved", three dimensional look. This feature gives your roadside signs more character than a flat sign. Available with a variety of background finishes , HDU roadside signs make the perfect high-end, designer addition to your business. We craft HDU highways signs from four different thicknesses, and can even create a double sided HDU roadside sign for you. HDU is a man made material and is naturally resistant to climate changes, is rot-proof and waterproof, making it the perfect material for your roadside signs.
Sandblasted Redwood Roadside Signs give your business an attractive, rustic look. Sandblasted redwood highways signs are made from naturally beautiful and strong redwood planks. With its natural beauty, redwood roadside signs are strong, durable and each one is unique, giving your highways signs an even more custom look. Sandblasted redwood roadside signs, like HDU, are crafted on a smooth background producing raised or "carved" text, images or graphics. This custom, in-house procedure gives your highway signs a three dimensional appearance. Redwood is naturally resistant to moisture, decay and insect damage and its long lasting performance means it is less likely to split, warp or chip. With a minimal, and proper maintenance, your redwood roadside signs can last a lifetime.
Replacement Lighted Sign Face Roadside Signs keep promoting your business message even after the sun has gone down. Lighted face roadside signs have proven to be one of the most effective ways to advertise since they can be seen continually though the day and into the night. On a daily basis we are producing new lighted face roadside signs, and we offer a variety of materials to fit all your cabinet specifications. In addition, we can produce your lighted highway signs in any size or style. For an updated, fresh look, replace your current light face highway sign. It's an affordable approach to freshening your business image, since the whole lighted cabinet doesn't have to be replaced. By simply replacing your lighted sign face, you can give your roadside signs and your business a new look.
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Material Recommendations for Roadside Signs
Sandblasted Redwood Roadside Signs
Replacement Lighted Sign Face Roadside Signs
What type of Roadside Signs are Right for You?
Use our material selection wizard to help you determine the right sign material for your needs.